Townsville Enterprise 2024/25 Federal Budget Response

14th May 2024

Townsville Enterprise has labelled the 2024/25 Federal Budget as an absolute disappointment for North Queensland.  

Townsville Enterprise CEO Claudia Brumme-Smith said the 2024/25 Federal Budget has snubbed North and Regional Queensland. 

“The 2024/25 Federal Budget is clearly a cost-of-living budget which acknowledges the challenges that families are currently facing. However, the North Queensland community is disappointed that despite all the efforts that have been put into advocating for the Great Barrier Reef Aquarium - publicly and behind closed doors - the future of the Aquarium and our Waterfront Development is left unclear.” 

“Our nation's greatest natural asset in our $56B Great Barrier Reef has been forgotten in this budget. There has been no commitment to the $100M ask for the Federal Government’s very own national education centre of the Reef. Whilst this is a disappointment for our community, our future generations, and the science and education of the reef – we will not give up on this critical project for North Queensland and are optimistic the funding will come to fruition in the near future.” 

“We welcome the $467M commitment to the Bruce Highway. Townsville Enterprise has always said that road, rail and port infrastructure is the the lifeblood of our region.” 

“Townsville North Queensland is strategically positioned and already a national leader in green energy production, defence and critical minerals. We can see these priorities reflected in the 2024/25 budget, but we are still awaiting detail and immediate funding commitments.”  

“While we understand the desire to grow our own talent and workforce locally, with a $33 billion pipeline of projects and 4,700 additional jobs in the next six years, migration will be essential for our region. It is disappointing to see the Government halving the migration caps and limiting the number of international students into our universities. This is yet another blow to regional workforce shortages.” 

“We are seeing some positive support for social and affordable housing in the 2024/25 budget. This includes a $1bn commitment for States and Territories for road, sewage, energy and water connections to enable developments. However, we have not seen any specific priority or focus to support the acute regional housing crisis.”  

“This budget has been a blow to North Queenslander’s who contribute more than $22bn to the national Gross Domestic Product annually. However, we will continue to stand strong with our regional leaders to put the priorities for Townsville North Queensland in the forefront of the Albanese Government.”  

“We are a strategically important region for this country and our contribution should not be undervalued, North Queensland deserves investment in enabling and community infrastructure.”

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