Aviation White Paper Released

4th September 2024

Townsville Enterprise welcomes the Federal Government’s release of the Aviation White Paper, which outlines the long-term vision for Australia's aviation sector and the policy initiatives guiding its growth and innovation until 2050.

As a key regional market, Townsville North Queensland relies heavily on aviation to connect communities, support business and economic growth, and drive tourism.

While we are pleased that some of our recommendations from the November 2023 Aviation Green Paper submission have been acknowledged and we look forward to working with the government, our industry and community stakeholders to ensure tangible outcomes for the aviation sector in Townsville North Queensland and across regional communities.

Townsville Enterprise CEO Claudia Brumme-Smith said "Aviation is the lifeblood of regional communities—it's how we stay connected, attract talent, grow businesses, and enhance our tourism offerings.

While the Aviation White Paper sets a promising direction for the next 20 years, particularly in areas of customer experience, employment pathways and regional pricing, there is still more work to be done, particularly with regards to sustainable aviation fuels. 

 We strongly urge the Australian Government to continue engaging with industry and regions like Townsville North Queensland to ensure that the 56 identified initiatives translate into real, tangible progress for our communities."

Adam Rowe, Chief Commercial Officer, Queensland Airports Limited said "As Australia’s largest regional airport operator, we recognise the criticality of airports and air travel to regional Australia’s economic and social wellbeing. We welcome the release of the Aviation White Paper and thank the Australian Government for producing such a detailed and insightful document that will underpin the aviation industry for years to come. 

With a clear focus on accessibility, sustainability and regional connectivity, we look forward to working with the government, and our industry and community stakeholders, to continue to support Townsville North Queensland’s growth story, while delivering improved aviation experiences for all."

Key Findings from the Aviation White Paper for Townsville North Queensland

Positive Steps to Strengthen Customer Experience

The White Paper recognises the decline in service levels within the aviation sector post-COVID-19, with one in three domestic flights delayed in 2023. The Australian Government proposes to strengthen obligations for airlines and airports and establish an ombudsman scheme to enhance consumer rights. This is a positive step forward. However, should prolonged and ongoing issues persist, Townsville Enterprise would suggest the implementation of penalties to address poor performance effectively.

Airline Pricing Review to Address Regional Airfares

In response to concerns about high airfares and infrequent services, the Australian Government will instruct the Productivity Commission to investigate the factors influencing regional airfares. This review is expected to identify opportunities to improve regional services, access to capital cities, and reliability. Townsville Enterprise welcomes this initiative and looks forward to its outcomes.

We are also encouraged to see the continued commitment to the Remote Aviation Access Program and the Regional Airports Program, recognising the critical importance of aviation services in these areas, as highlighted in our 2023 submission.

Enhanced Aviation-Specific Disability Standards

The introduction of aviation-specific disability standards in the White Paper is a significant and positive step towards ensuring consistent and high-quality service for all passengers across Australia. This progress is welcomed by Townsville Enterprise.

Greater Support Needed for Sustainable Aviation Fuels

The Australian Government’s vision for net-zero emissions in aviation by 2050 is commendable, with SAF recognised as crucial to achieving this goal. North Queensland is ideally positioned for the production and distribution of SAF, as emphasised in our 2023 Aviation Green Paper Submission. While we understand the challenges of implementing mandates without sufficient domestic production and refining capacity, it is essential that the government demonstrates strong investment in this sector and sets clear timeframes for establishing a mandate. This will send a positive signal to jumpstart the domestic SAF market. Townsville Enterprise is committed to ongoing consultation and advocacy for North Queensland to be prioritised as a regional hub for SAF manufacturing and distribution, supported by mandates, subsidies, and industry development to ensure SAFs are competitive with non-renewable fuels.

Employment Pathways Recognised

The White Paper shows strong progress in supporting employment pathways within the aviation sector. The Australian Government will provide clear information about aviation training and career opportunities, allowing prospective workers to make informed career decisions. Additionally, the government will collaborate with the sector to identify and plan for future skills and workforce needs.

Proposed Updates to International Ports Framework

The White Paper suggests that the Australian Government will review the process for designating new international airports and seaports to ensure that critical border security and biosecurity standards are upheld. As Townsville is home to an international airport with regular international charter and defence flights, Townsville Enterprise anticipates that Townsville Airport will be included in this consultation process. Townsville Enterprise, Townsville Airport and the local community have strong ambitions and capability to secure and service regular international flights.

Townsville Enterprise remains committed to advocating for our region’s needs and opportunities as the Aviation White Paper's initiatives are implemented.

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