Townsville Enterprise has submitted formal feedback to the Parliament of Australia on actions to improve energy, food and water security within Townsville North Queensland and, by extension, across Northwestern Queensland.
The Inquiry accepts submissions which outline:
the context and extent of energy, food and water security in Northern Australia;
the challenges and potential actions to improving energy, food and water security;
the impact this has on communities, particularly remote communities;
relevant Closing the Gap targets;
the extent and efficacy of policy, legislative, regulatory and funding frameworks, including the overlap or any gaps between federal, state and territory frameworks.
Townsville Enterprise’s submission includes recommendations on priority Federal government investments to support infrastructure projects and approvals - including Port and rail, energy transmission, green energy and fuel incentives, critical highway infrastructure upgrades and key water projects across the North and Northwest.
Our submission advocates for the interests of our members and the broader North Queensland community by addressing key points essential for the growth and security of the community and businesses that live, work, and invest in Northern Australia.
We will continue to support the Government to overcome future challenges identified by the Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia.